Parenting Gold # 3
Toolbox Tuesday: 20 jobs your child should do by 10; the best confidence-building tool for parents and help your child leap into leadership. Pure parenting gold!
Welcome to the third in the Parenting Gold series, where I share the most popular Parenting Toolbox posts of the last twelve months.
You can still read the first and second editions of the Parenting Gold series.
Wow! My “20 jobs to work your way out of before your child turns 10” always gets a strong reaction from parents. Check it out below and see how you’re going (or how you you went as the case maybe)
Lack of confidence holds more kids back from achieveing their full potential than any other factor so I’ve included my popular article on How to encourage a child, which gives a thorough run-down on this essential confidence-building tool.
Do you want your child to leap into leadership this year? And why not, as leadership is such a vital life skill. My article Bringing out the leader in your child is a simple blueprint your can follow.
Enjoy this rich vein of parenting gold!
This was the most shared Parenting Toolbox post for the last twelve months.
By a long way!
At Parenting Toolbox we believe that building independence is a key job of any parent. There’s no better way to build independence than to give kids’ agency over their own lives.
When kids can, let them do. We know it’s not that easy. Anyway, check out this list of 20 we compiled that kids should be able to do by the age of 10.
20 jobs to work your way out of before your child is 10
Encouragement is one of the most useful tools (method, process, skill) you can have in your parenting toolbox.
It’s a wonderful confidence-building and success tool.
Encouragement is often confused with praise, which is not as powerful. Praise is like fast food - easy to get/give, given with little thought and ultimately not fulfilling.
Encouragement is a like home-cooked meal. It’s considered, given with love and is filling.
This article, which is a favorite of this writer, shows you exactly how to encourage a child. NB: Encouragement works well on partners too!
How to encourage a child
Every child is a leader in waiting, although not everyone sees it that way.
Each child, regardless of their family position, has leadership potential in spades. It just needs to be recognised, brought out and built on for their leadership potential to turn into reality.
Developing leadership is kids is part of the Parenting Toolbox mission. We believe that the future is dependent on the quality of the leaders we produce.
Leadership is needed in every part of life - in families, in sport, at work and in the community.
Family-life offers the best environment to nurture and grow leaders. Here’s how you can make a start.
Bringing out the leader in your child
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Yep, there is no paid tier.
I’m giving you all my wisdom and experience FREE.
Nothing is held back and placed behind a paywall, as most writers on Substack do.
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